Meet Value Innovator Enderson Miranda
The Blue Ocean Strategist is excited to bring you this week’s episode of the Value Innovator’s show. Meet value innovator Enderson Miranda.
OnSomble and its CEO Enderson Miranda are true blue ocean success stories.
OnSomble Inc. serves the health care industry with software tools that empower individuals in their professional roles.
Fortunately, I had a chance to visit with Enderson recently about the work at OnSomble. We discussed his role as CEO, the company’s ideal customers, and his greatest lessons.
A Blue Ocean Company
As mentioned before, OnSomble is a blue ocean company. One reason? Its founder, Shawn Mathis, was a student of the strategic model and was committed to value innovation from the start.
A quick reminder, value innovation occurs when a company breaks the value cost tradeoff. This increase in value while lowering industry costs is what sets companies apart.
In the interview below, Sherman Mohr speaks with CEO Enderson Miranda about OnSomble. Click the menu to the right of the share button on YouTube to open the transcript and read along as well.
OnSomble provides value innovation in many ways. The are collaborative in their work with clients.
As a result, their clients do not view them as vendors.
Creatively, they foster an environment of cooperation. Many clients find that they are working together.
Another significant blue ocean strategic factor in OnSomble’s favor is their view toward humanness. They launched the company’s offering with assessments tools that measured soft skills.
As a result, soft skills increase patient satisfaction.
In addition, clinician satisfaction is raised as soft skills are increased.
Enderson is a great example of disciplined growth and he has been a life-long student. Finally, he’s a student of his industry and academics.
In conclusion
We conclude this interview with leadership lessons. Enderson has learned a lot over the last five years.
If you would like to learn more about how Blue Ocean Strategy is woven into new companies or how a blue ocean shift occurs for your company, schedule a free call. We want to know about your business.
Sherman G. Mohr is an Insead Blue Ocean Strategy Institute certified blue ocean strategist residing in Nashville TN. He serves as CEO of Shared Spirits Marketing.
Originally published at on June 17, 2020.