The Six Stages of the Buyer Experience Cycle. More Important Now than Ever. Stage One.

1 min readNov 28, 2020


The Six Stages of the Buyer Experience Cycle. More Important Now than Ever. Stage One.

In the launch post of this series, I shared the importance of testing for exceptional utility. The reason this is so important is simple. Many industries, most in fact, will have to reassess how customers are experiencing the product or service offered.

The safety of customers, clients, employees, staff and more will all become a first consideration. All liability for that safety will rest on how the buyer experience is planned, implemented, and monitored.

It is imperative that companies assess these factors. The greatest blocks to buyer utility often represent the greatest and most pressing opportunities to unlock exceptional value. Building value and value innovation that naturally follows is what leads to blue oceans of uncontested market space.

The buyer experience defined: It is summed up as the entirety of the customer experience.

The cycle, as measured by Blue Ocean Strategists includes the following stages.


In this post, we’ll cover stage number one.





Written by blueoceanleader

I’m Sherman G. Mohr, an Insead Certified Blue Ocean Strategist residing in Nashville, TN. My work includes Co-Founder roles in market/tech/and healthcare.

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