Why Aren’t My Prospects Buying?

3 min readApr 22, 2021
Why Aren't My Prospects Buying?

Every day, business owners, professional services buyers, and e-commerce sellers are asking, why aren’t my prospects buying?

I may have some answers. At the very least, I have some tools that will help you ask the right questions. With the right questions, you may begin to tweak your offerings and see better results.

When prospects hear or discover your marketing messages, a process of analysis begins. They are processing a lot of information. We are going to introduce a tool or two that will provide some framework around modifying your offerings when needed.

It’s vital that the buyer’s experience, from the moment they discover you, to the point they dispose of your product or end their relationship with you is viewed through their eyes and NOT yours.

So what are the things businesses like yours need to be mindful of at all times?

Let’s cover some basics.

Buyers are considering lots of things very quickly when deciding their next move.

Depending on the circumstance and need, some of these considerations would include productivity, simplicity, convenience, personal/corporate/financial/reputational risk, fun and image enhancements, and environmental considerations.

They consider all of these things during different phases of a relationship with you.

What might those phases be?

The discovery/purchase phase, followed by the delivery phase, then the use phase, if necessary, a supplements phase, a maintenance phase, finally, a disposal phase.

This is graphically demonstrated in a Blue Ocean Strategy framework known as the Buyer Utility Map. The Buyer Utility Map or BUM is a methodical way to identify blockages to utility.

Don’t fret if your BUM is riddled with X’s that indicate an offering or service is full of blockages in customer utility. These blockages represent opportunities to distinguish yourself from the competition!

In the graphic below one would take the graphic and initially place an X over any square when there was a blockage to optimal user experience.

Buyer Utility Map

There are many ways one may use the buyer utility map to uncover blockages in the user experience. These blockages are LOST SALES.

If you start asking questions through the lens of the buyer utility map, you will see obvious things pop up fast. If you continue to move deeper and into more advanced customization of the buyer utility map, you’ll find it’s a flexible tool useful in any industry.

If you’d like to leverage the framework for your business, consider joining the Blue Ocean Strategist for a 45-minute training on May 3rd, 2021, it’s free and easy to register on LinkedIn. Case studies, resources for self-use, and more will be shared.

Join us by visiting this link! https://www.linkedin.com/events/identifywhycustomersdon-tbuywit6787832988420857856/

For an even deeper dive join us for the Blue Ocean Strategy Challenge.

If you have questions and want to schedule a brief call schedule that time here!




I’m Sherman G. Mohr, an Insead Certified Blue Ocean Strategist residing in Nashville, TN. My work includes Co-Founder roles in market/tech/and healthcare.